Saturday, 12 October 2013

Clowns & Conkers at Crafty HQ

Well, another craft fair today selling my handmade soaps and other goodies, went well.... very pleased. Followed by Mr Crafty taking eldest to play centre and I (rather foolishly) volunteered myself to take youngest to a classmate's party. Oh wow. Did I regret that. I'd completely forgotten that it was quite clear on the invitation that they were having a clown. I don't like clowns. It's not a fear as such, I just don't find them funny, in any way. He did a pretty good job, kids were entertained, but I was extremely glad to get home. Thankfully they were both pretty shattered and bedtime was relatively easy tonight. Or was that because I crumpled in a heap and got Mr Crafty to do it tonight? Hmmm, probably.

So, I saw this a while ago, can't quite remember how I came across it but it's so going to be our Sunday project this weekend.....

How to make Viking Soap...

I will let you know how we get on with this one!!

Hope your weekend is a little more relaxing....

Crafty Mum signing out for now :)

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

So, it's another late night watching QI on Dave with the inevitable outcome that I will more than likely fall asleep on the sofa and wake up with a stiff neck at 3am. My sleep pattern has disintegrated again.... I'd love to be able to blame the kids, but, on this occasion, it's NOT their fault! I wouldn't mind but I know I've seen this episode before....

So, on the crafty front..... I've been busy. Little crafter is now 5 and has started school, big crafter is 6 and continues to try her hardest.... So..... this...... apparently, leaves me with something called 'free time'. Hmmm.

I am trying to make a go of my project 'Mum's A Bit Crafty' selling crafty wares as a full time job now. It's early days and I think the paperwork is driving me very slightly insane but watch this space.... I have lots of craft fairs booked coming up to Christmas so will be very busy :) :) :)

Hope all my fellow crafters and followers are all good :)

I might just turn the TV off and go to bed now...

Feedback Welcome....